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Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • 2022-11-14
  • Hits:1638

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is the key department of our institute. It offers seven specialized majors including Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, Mechanical Design and Manufacturing, Mechanical Equipment Maintenance and Management, Numerical Control Technology, Mold Design and Manufacturing, Precision Mechanical Technology, and Mechanical Product Testing and Inspection Technology, and two undergraduate majors including Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation, and Mechanical and Electronic Engineering.

There are 90 full-time and part-time teachers, including 14 with full senior title and 34 with associate senior title. 98% of the teachers have double professional quality, 23 industry experts, 1 national outstanding teacher, 3 provincial outstanding teachers, 5 candidates for Hebei Province " Three Threes Talents" Project, 1 winner of May 1 Labor Medal, 5 members of the National Mechanical Vocational Education Teaching Steering Committee. There are 3 visiting scholars in China and 6 in Germany and Singapore.

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has the central financial support of the mechanical manufacturing and automation professional training base and CNC national skills in short supply talent training base. It has built machinery manufacturing technology center, measurement technology center, hydraulic pressure control center, mechanical disassembly and maintenance training room, robot innovation training room, machine zero machine original training room, mechanical properties training room, mold technology center, coordinate measurement room, numerical control technology training room, CAD/CAM training room, 3D printing room and other training places. It has a production school and factory that can accommodate 600 people for practice and training. Off-campus internship bases include China Yituo Group Co., LTD., Beijing Embrako Snowflake Compressor Co., LTD., SMC (Beijing) Manufacturing Co., LTD.

Teachers have undertaken 68 teaching and research projects at or above the municipal level, published more than 100 core papers, published 78 academic monographs and textbooks, and obtained 26 national patents. We have actively trained and selected students to participate in various vocational skill competitions and innovation competitions at all levels and achieved excellent results. In the 5th National Numerical Control Skills Competition Hebei Division Selection Contest, the contestants of our department won all the champions of the higher vocational college group, participated in the national finals on behalf of Hebei Province, and won the fourth place in machining center and the seventh place in numerical control vehicle.

Improving the quality of education and teaching is the eternal theme. Students in Department of Mechanical Engineering are favored by employers for their strong professional and technical ability and high comprehensive quality. Large enterprises such as Sinosteel Group, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, Shougang Group, Beijing Automobile Mold Company, Ha Power Heavy Equipment Co., LTD., Great Wall Motor Co., Ltd. have come to recruit students of our department. The employment rate of graduates has reached 95%.