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The Institute Holds a Video Conference with the New South Wales Institute Technical and Further Education in Australia
  • 2022-05-18
  • Hits:1871

Recently, the institute and Australian New South Wales Institute Technical and Further Education hold a video conference to discuss the cooperation between the two schools. Zhang Nengyun, Vice Principal of the Institute, and James Flannagan, Vice Principal of New South Wales Institute Technical and Further Education attended the meeting.


Zhang Nengyun introduced the basic information of our institute and expressed the willingness to establish a cooperative relationship with the New South Wales Institute Technical and Further Education. Zhang Neng Yun said that the New South Wales Institute Technical and Further Education is the largest and most influential government education institution in Australia. With a history of more than 100 years, this institute has a strong educational strength, which is well matched with our institute’s cooperation in software technology and other professional fields. We hope to carry out Sino-foreign cooperative education programs with the New South Wales Institute Technical and Further Education to cultivate high-quality interdisciplinary talents with an international vision. James Flannagan expressed his desire to cooperate with the Institute and looked forward to the signing of a cooperation agreement between the two sides as soon as possible.

At the meeting, the two sides reached consensus on further strengthening cooperation. Office personnel attend the meeting.