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Our Institute Was Invited to Attend The 2020 World Young Scientists Summit
  • 2020-10-26
  • Hits:1535

From October 18 to 21, the second "Belt and Road" Talent Training Workshop of the World Young Scientists Summit 2020 was held in Wenzhou. Meng Shengjun, Secretary of the Party Committee, Wang Xiaofeng, Principal, Li Chaopeng, Vice Principal and office relevant staff of our institute were invited to attend the summit.



The participants listened carefully to the opening ceremony speeches of well-known scholars and industry experts in the field of education at home and abroad and the theme report of "Talent Training Under the Background of Technology Innovation + People-to-People Exchange". They also witnessed the project signing and awarding ceremony between Yalong Intelligent Equipment Group and many universities and enterprises. During the summit, the Project Construction Promotion of Sino-Foreign People-To-People Exchange Talent Training Base in The Field of Intelligent Manufacturing and the 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Alliance for the Integration of Artificial Intelligence Production and Education were held. The meeting voted through 19 member units of the International Alliance for the Integration of Artificial Intelligence Production and Education, and our institute stood out among the national vocational colleges with unanimous approval.



Meng Shengjun and Wang Xiaofeng also went to Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College for study and exchange, and attended a symposium organized by Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education and attended by the leaders of 7 vocational colleges across the country. Meng expressed his sincere gratitude to Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College for its candid exchanges and spoke highly of the school's achievements in serving student development and local economy. Wang hopes that the two universities will further strengthen exchanges and cooperation and work together for win-win development. Wang Jinggao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Wenzhou Vocational and Technical College, shared the practice and experience from three aspects: educational level, regional roots and talent training. Participants visited the intelligent manufacturing public service center, footwear design and development training center, clothing industry technology innovation service platform, furniture engineering technology research center, library, international master studio and other teaching, research and practice training places.

Meng Shengjun and Wang Xiaofeng visited and investigated Yalong Intelligent Equipment Group Co., LTD. The two sides had in-depth discussions on industrial robots, intelligent manufacturing, Silk Road Institute and international people-to-people exchanges.

The second "Belt and Road" Talent Training Seminar of the World Young Scientists Summit provided new ideas and concepts for the institute in intelligent manufacturing, technological innovation, international people-to-people exchange and other aspects, and laid a solid foundation for further strengthening the college's innovative development and international and domestic cooperation.